Miguel Sánchez Mosquera

  • Celia 2023

    Celia 2023 Fallas 2023, photography Me complace presentar esta serie de fotografías que capturan momentos inolvidables de Celia, la Fallera Mayor Infantil de la Falla Almirante Cadarso Conde Altea en el año 2023. A través de estas imágenes, se documenta su destacado papel en los diversos eventos y celebraciones que forman parte de las festividades [...]

    16 de septiembre de 2023

  • Nº Φ

    Nº. Au An approach to the golden ratio My photographic project is titled "N° Au:". Inspired by the fascinating golden ratio, also known as the golden number, this series of images captures the intricate harmony present in nature, manifesting in animals, plants, minerals, and more, within the picturesque setting of the Valencia Botanical Garden. The [...]

    17 de mayo de 2022


    SUNSET Bastiagueiro restaurant food photography In this project, I have had the privilege of capturing the essence of Sunset Bastiagueiro restaurant through my lens. The venue is distinguished by its stunning terrace, from which an unparalleled visual spectacle unfolds with each sunset. Furthermore, I was able to immortalize the culinary creativity of the restaurant, which [...]

    6 de mayo de 2021

1996-2025 © Miguel Sánchez Mosquera @msmphotographer